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Safety instructions while swimming

How to Ensure Your and Your Children’s Safety While Swimming

Swimming is a fun activity that allows families to spend quality time together. However, it requires a set of preparatory measures before engaging in it. Here are some key safety tips:

Read the Signs Before Swimming There are many instructional signs at swimming pools that adults must read before starting to swim. These signs include safety rules and instructions for keeping the swimming areas clean. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach these guidelines to their children in a way that ensures they understand the basic safety rules of swimming easily and simply.

Walk Carefully Around the Pool The area around the pool is often very slippery due to water on the surface. It is essential to walk cautiously around the pool to avoid slipping and causing unwanted accidents. Parents should also warn their children not to run or race in the swimming area to maintain their safety. If children behave unsafely, they should inform the lifeguard immediately.

Be Cautious When Entering or Exiting the Pool or Sea Adults should avoid climbing on unstable or slippery surfaces when exiting the pool or sea to prevent falling or slipping. Parents should instruct their children on the correct way to enter or exit the pool, emphasizing that swimming in a pool is different from the sea. Important tips include:

  • Enrolling children in swimming lessons to learn open-water swimming skills to ensure they follow general safety standards.
  • Closely monitoring children while they are in the water and informing the lifeguard immediately if any danger occurs.

Inspect the Pool Before Diving Adults should look at the pool and its surroundings before diving to ensure general safety. Diving in unauthorized areas can increase the risk of severe accidents, such as unsuitable swimming conditions that hinder proper diving and visibility. Children should not be allowed to dive into water deeper than they can handle to avoid drowning.

Swim with Others, Not Alone Adults should swim with companions who have good swimming skills to provide protection and rescue in case of an accident. Children should never be left alone in the pool, as this can lead to drowning. Children should swim with friends so they can ask for help if needed.

Protect Yourself and Your Skin from the Sun It is important to protect the skin from harmful sun rays while swimming by using appropriate sunscreen for children and adults to prevent sunburn and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Tips include:

  • Ensuring children wear sun-protective clothing.
  • Using water-resistant, fragrance-free sunscreen and reapplying it regularly.
  • Consulting a doctor immediately if severe burns or redness occur.

Stay Hydrated Swimming is a physical activity that makes the body sweat, similar to other exercises, though it may not be noticeable since the body is in the water. Therefore, it is crucial to drink water and fluids regularly. Tips include:

  • The risk of dehydration increases when swimming under the sun, so it is advisable to drink enough water.
  • Pay attention to symptoms of dehydration, such as nausea, dizziness, and lightheadedness.
  • Parents should provide their children with cold water bottles and remind them to drink every 20 minutes.

Do Not Swim Anytime or Anywhere Swimming is not recommended during noon when the sun is at its strongest. It is preferable to swim early in the morning or in the evening. Always stick to designated swimming areas, whether in a pool or the sea, and avoid water drainage areas. Children should be taught to stay away from broken or exposed drainage areas and report them immediately if found.

Safety Guidelines for Pregnant Women While Swimming According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, swimming is one of the safest exercises during pregnancy. However, pregnant women should follow specific safety guidelines:

  • Monitor the water temperature and avoid swimming in hot water, especially during the first trimester, to reduce the risk of miscarriage or birth defects.
  • Swim moderately, as excessive exertion can be unsafe during pregnancy. Stop swimming if symptoms like nausea, vaginal discharge, bleeding, or abdominal or pelvic pain occur.
  • Choose appropriate swimwear for comfort and ease of movement.
  • Be cautious when entering and exiting the pool to prevent slipping.
  • Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to avoid sunburn, reapplying it frequently.
  • Avoid swimming during peak sun hours (10 AM to 4 PM).
  • Stay hydrated by drinking enough water regularly and avoid caffeine-rich drinks.
  • Swim in areas with lifeguards and preferably with a companion.

Guidelines to Avoid Drowning While Swimming There are several guidelines to help adults and children avoid the risk of drowning while swimming:

  • Never leave children unsupervised near swimming areas.
  • Adults with good swimming skills should take turns watching children during swimming.
  • Wear a life jacket if you are not a confident swimmer. Note that inflatable swimming aids are not substitutes for life jackets.
  • Stay within designated swimming areas and heed warning signs indicating unsafe swimming conditions.
  • Do not allow children to swim in drainage channels or water-filled areas not designated for swimming.
  • Parents and caregivers should learn how to perform CPR correctly.
  • Provide children with swimming gear like goggles, floats, life jackets, and kickboards.

Swimming is an enjoyable activity for families and friends. However, it is essential to know the key safety guidelines for both adults and children. Pregnant women can also enjoy swimming by adhering to safety guidelines to avoid any risks to themselves or their babies, such as avoiding hot water and staying hydrated.

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